Full-day stay in the kindergarten Motylek 3 Warsaw Ochota (Szczęśliwice)

full-day stay in kindergarten

Provide your child with an excellent environment for development

Enroll your toddler in a full-day kindergarten and take advantage of a wide range of additional activities.

The full-day stay lasts from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Of course, the child can come to the kindergarten later or leave earlier. The most important thing, however, is that they should be present from 9:30 am to 1 pm, because then an educational block takes place, during which important general development activities take place. This is a good solution for parents who work full time.

During the full-day stay, the child can participate in extra activities. There are five of them, while we encourage parents to have their child regularly participate in one or two. This also gives our kid plenty of time to just be a kid and play in a creative way, that is, one that he or she comes up with on his or her own without the help of caregivers. So-called free play is extremely important, and there is plenty of time for it during a full-day stay from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Monday – Fridayhours
. 7:00 – 18:00

Warsaw, Ochota
ul. Usypiskowa 3A


Full-day stay in the Butterfly 3 kindergarten - get to know our offer

7.00 - 18.00

1590 PLN
(per month for 1 child)
  • implementation of MEN program
  • foreign languages each week:
    – 5x English(from age 4)
    – 2x Spanish (from age 4)
  • Boarding:
    – 5x a day
  • extra-curricular activities:
    – eurhythmics (2 times a week)
    – corrective gymnastics
    – group speech therapist
    – psychologist care
  • Additional elective classes (+100 PLN/msc)Check available classes
Entry fee:
(one time)

700 zł

Adaptation fee:
(for 2 weeks)

400 zł

1 month break?
You will only pay:

350 zł

Support for parents

The welfare of the child for us is paramount, so we support families in difficulty. We are also very keen to work with large families.

We reduce tuition
of the second child:

- 50%

We reduce tuition
of the third child:

- 75%


Full-day kindergarten - why us?

We combine a happy childhood with personal development. The family atmosphere in the kindergarten helps children to adapt and make new friends. We trust that the social skills we emphasize at Butterfly 3 will bear fruit throughout life in these wonderful future adults.

Who our preschool IS for:

We are a kindergarten with traditional values and strive to support the child's development in a harmonious way. I trust that in our institution we are sticking a vessel into which knowledge from elementary school, high school or college will later be poured. All the further life of your little one will depend on how we improve our potty. Any rupture or imperfection in the preschool education process has a huge impact on further development, so we want to have full involvement of parents in the education process of their child. I believe that a child is such a curious creature that he or she does not need encouragement to learn... all it takes is to remove barriers to development, provide opportunities to learn and a safe atmosphere, and the toddler will flourish and embark on the adventure of exploring the world.

Who our kindergarten is NOT for:

We are not a "storage facility" for children, where a child is left to keep his parents from interfering with his adult life. We care about the correct development of the child, and here cooperation with parents is very important. Hence, we cannot afford to have parents who are not involved in children's development among our clients.

We are also not an inclusive preschool, so we target only well-functioning children. We want to make sure that every person who comes to us has excellent development, so we need to specialize. Our specialty is the harmonious development of well-functioning children.

Full-day stay of a child in a kindergarten - whatmakes us different?

Professional staff

We entrust the care of children to professional preschool educators and psychologists. At the same time, we make sure that the Aunties have their hearts on the right side: they love and respect children.

Two foreign languages

Daily English in kindergarten, and Spanish twice a week from the age of 4. This approach makes excellent use of the child's potential and receptivity to foreign languages.

Small groups

We usually have up to 15 children in preschool groups. The teacher, together with the assistant, have time to notice the needs of each child in the group on an ongoing basis and actively support their development.

Healthy cooking

We serve children five varied meals with high nutritional value. Breakfast and afternoon snacks are prepared on site, and delicious home-cooked lunches are provided by a catering company.

Rich program

As part of the tuition each week the child has classes: 2x rhythmics, corrective gymnastics, group speech therapist, psychological care, 5x English, 2x Spanish (from the age of 4).

Two playgrounds

The kindergarten has two playgrounds of its own, on one we play sports, on the other we play. In the summer, a swimming pool and inflatable slide are laid out for our preschoolers.


How do I enroll my child in Butterfly 3 preschool?

You can do it in four very simple steps. To get started, call us or schedule a video interview.
Have questions email us: przedszkole@motylek3.pl
Zapisy do przedszkola Warszawa Ochota Motylek3

Phone call or video call

Call us or schedule a video interview. We want to know your needs to make sure we are the right facility for you. Both guardians are encouraged to attend the initial interview to discuss any issues in detail.

Zapisy do Przedszkola Warszawa Ochota

in kindergarten

After the initial conversation, you feel that Butterfly 3 is the place you are looking for, then you are invited to meet at the nursery. During your visit you will get to know the Teacher and feel our family atmosphere. It is worth taking your child with you to this meeting to observe his reaction to the new environment.
Zapisy do przedszkola Warszawa Ochota Motylek3


We complete the documents and invite the toddler to attend classes in the target group. Adaptation takes 2-4 weeks, a few hours a day, a few days a week. You and your parent are welcome to attend the class. This event can be stressful, so the length of the adaptation is tailored to each child’s individual needs.
Zapisy do przedszkola Warszawa Ochota Motylek3


After the adaptation period, the child stays in the kindergarten all day and functions independently in the group. At the beginning of this period, it is worth being alert to signals from your child. After a month, you can think about possible additional activities.


All-day stay of children in kindergarten - FAQ

The duration of the child’s stay in the kindergarten for full-day stay is from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

The difference between full-day and statutory daycare is mainly whether the parent has time to spend time together with the child after 2:00 p.m. If the parent lacks the time to do so, for example, due to work, then under full-day stay the toddler can stay at our daycare during this time, where he will socialize with other children and participate in various activities.

Among other things, the child develops in the kindergarten using materials from the MAC publishing house, which are ideally suited to the needs of preschool children. In addition, the child socializes with other children, such as by playing together, and thus learns human interaction and conflict resolution.

We are keen for the child to be in the kindergarten from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, because that is when the main educational block is in progress. On the other hand, as part of a full-day stay, a child can stay in the kindergarten from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

If the child will not be in the kindergarten for a longer period, it is worth asking the teacher what the children will be doing in the center during this time, so that you can also work on this with your child. If you go somewhere for a month, then you should inform the kindergarten about it – then you will pay 350 zlotys instead of 1,000 zlotys for maintaining a place for your child.

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